Adapt your brand speech to the voice

We talk to you regularly about speech technologies, about the power of automatic speech recognition that applies to many fields. Therefore, after having shown you its link with home automation, with pedagogy and how to prepare your website for voice search, we explain here why and how to adapt speech to voice. That is to say, how to take into account the specificities of research and supports that use voice in your communication strategy.
Voice commerce in full development
First of all, before seeing how to adapt one’s brand or corporate speech to the voice, it is necessary to understand the context in which it is used. Today, it is a reality, voice commerce is growing. In other words, in addition to using voice for technological innovations, as a learning support, there are other uses. Anyone can now do their shopping, buy different products solely thanks to their voice.
Indeed, according to, the term voice commerce refers to « forms of commerce in which the purchase is made through a voice command ». Thanks to recent systems and connected speakers such as SIRI, Amazon Echo, Google Home, voice commerce is in full development.
Logically, voice commerce is developing first for convenient and relatively simple purchases. For example, for pizza orders, train tickets and supplies. In addition, voice commerce obviously applies to mass distribution. In particular by associating a « shopping list » voice function in the voice applications developed by the various retail chains in France and elsewhere.
Marketers include voice in their strategies
Therefore, practical, fast, useful in all aspects of daily life, voice is a necessity for companies. More and more brands are including voice in their development and communication strategies.
According to, voice research « is emerging as a way to enter into relationships that is no longer anecdotal. Shopping has even become the second most popular application for connected speakers after the weather!».
To consume vocally is a considerable change for everyone. For individuals as well as for companies and brands. Indeed, whereas previously it was a question of creating a purchasing path for brands, now it is more a question of building a purchasing dialogue. This shift to discourse therefore implies adapting its communication strategy and content.
Brands are entering the so-called conversational era.
The rise of the voice channel is accompanied by voice search, particularly on cell phones. Brands must therefore rethink their strategies and adapt their speech to the new uses of voice.
How brands can position themselves well in relation to the voice channel
In fact, there are several good practices to position yourself well in relation to the voice. Here are four of them:
- Choosing the right vocal assistant
- Adapt your brand identity around the voice
- Create an adapted product catalog
- Work on your natural vocal referencing
As a pioneer and giant in the sector, Google was initially chosen to develop applications for the major French retailers. However, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Toshiba quickly gained ground.
Personalize their voice
The main challenge for brands today is to counteract the limited number of synthetic voices in voice assistants. In order to stand out, to adapt their brand identity to the voice consumption mode, companies must adapt and above all personalize their voice.
Personalizing their voice can be done by working on the style of their conversations, the adapted tone, the voice timbre, the speed. Indeed, the voice offers a relatively large range of possibilities to be taken into account to be as close as possible to the consumer. The goal is for brands to adapt their speech, making it simpler and more consistent with human vocal use. While preserving its values and its usual image.
Concerning the purchase of the products themselves, the second challenge for the brands is to simplify access to the products, while associating complete lexical bases and a minimum of vocabulary.
According to Usine, Alice Vasseur of Cabinet Viseo illustrates this process with an application for the beauty brand Sephora. For example, « To book treatment sessions, I can say: »I want to book a makeup session », »I want to get my makeup done » or »I want to get a make-up job »… ».
A voice branding strategy
Indeed, it is a question of adopting a certain tone of conversation, a mode of language specific to ordinary consumers. Our ways of writing and speaking are often different. We are more spontaneous when we speak. So we have to take this into account for vocal brand speech, for vocal research.
The brand needs to refine its content and its natural referencing by asking itself what types of responses will be most relevant to the requests expressed by customers via voice systems and voice assistants.
According to SEO consultant Geoffrey Pin, « In order to cover the most questions asked, we will have to imagine everything the user might ask and create a response page each time ».
The objective is therefore to adapt its brand speech by anticipating the frequent questions of consumers around certain keywords. That is to say, around certain brand products and services.
Examples of brand communication by voice
According to Kissthebride, brands have not waited long to interact vocally with their customers. And even to offer them new experiences! This is the case of Guerlain, for example.
« Guerlain offers an extraordinary olfactory journey using the Google assistant. Each user can discover which perfume best suits them thanks to a series of questions about the brand’s 110 creations. The voice application offers a remote perfume consultation ».
In addition, the Engie group recently launched new services with the Google Assistant. By voice, from his Google Home connected speakerphone, the energy supplier’s customer can take stock of his consumption and even get support in the event of a power cut. Indeed, the voice assistant « recognizes » – thanks to artificial intelligence – a situation. Examples of communication that still promise beautiful speeches from voice brands!
You now have all the cards in hand to adapt your brand speech to voice commerce, intentions and voice searches! Banking on voice is inevitable today and in the long term. If you would like to benefit from our audiovisual and automatic speech recognition expertise, in voice, do not hesitate to contact us!
Authôt. You speak. We write.