Automatic transcription in the medical field

In a previous article, we talked about speech recognition in the medical world. Today, we will discuss in more details the specificities of automatic transcription in this sector. Indeed, the medical field, the health field, is demanding. Therefore, the most professional transcription possible is necessary.
Medical transcription
To begin with, according to, unlike « medical translation, which consists of transcribing medical or pharmaceutical documents into another language, medical transcription is a digital dictation technique that facilitates the management of content in the medical field ». Transcription for healthcare has become an indispensable support for professionals in this field, helping to ensure the smooth running of healthcare services. In particular by facilitating their administrative and medical management, while allowing them to optimise their data.
In fact, medical transcription is characterized as an external solution that allows professionals and medical organizations to dictate, record and transcribe documents in their sector. The main objective of health transcription is to transform audio into text. It transcribes word for word the entire scientific and medical speech. Thanks to automatic data entry, the doctor saves time and effort.
Healthcare transcriptions and translations
Often close, healthcare translation completes the transcription in certain situations. Indeed, medical and pharmaceutical translation translates a document into another language. The difficulty here is to render all the medical details, the meaning, as faithfully as possible.
For example, a diabetic patient who goes abroad must have his prescription and list of medications translated by his diabetologist. Often from French to English, from French to Spanish… As with transcription, healthcare translation is more difficult than it seems. The translator must have a perfect expertise of both languages but also of the subject matter to be translated – especially when it is as subtle and precise as in healthcare.
This is why at Authôt we work with native translation experts.
Typical medical documents
There are several standard medical documents that can be transcribed and translated:
- Marketing Authorizations
- Health Notices
- Pharmaceutical packages
- Awareness-raising and communication brochures…
In addition, especially in the scientific, healthcare field, there are also all the documents, internal content, experts to manage :
- Patents
- Standards
- Study reports
- Scientific publications
- Proceedings of conferences or symposia
For all these documents, experts will be able to save time by simply dictating their expertise and letting the technology do the rest, this will be very beneficial!
The peculiarities of medical transcription
You have to understand that in the healthcare field, transcription is very specific. It is used for reports, medical records, conferences, letters from doctors, nursing staff… This field requires rigour, precision and professionalism. Indeed, medicine has its codes, its protocols, its techniques, its vocabulary.
In fact, medical transcription requires an understanding of the field and its terminology. Thus, in order to have the best possible transcription and automatic transcription in health care, one must not only have the appropriate software, the quality of a transcriber, but also the knowledge and know-how regarding the particularities of this field.
For example, concerning vocabulary, the subtleties of pharmaceutical products, diseases, applicable standards… Especially since there are many healthcare disciplines: neurology, paediatrics, physiotherapy, radiology… and many different pathologies. In addition, health professionals will need these transcriptions – these results of tape transcripts – for meetings, medical reports, research results. It can be for a patient’s medical record, as well as for internal work.
Automatic transcription in the medical field
According to, for the health sector, transcription is so important that we have not finished innovating in this sector! Thus, the start-up Robin Healthcare wants to create a connected arena for the health sector. Indeed, « if connected loudspeakers are useful in everyday life, why not put this technology at the service of the health sector? This is the project of the start-up Robin Healthcare.
Founded by Noah Auerhahn and Emilio Galan, Robin HealthCare is developing a speaker similar to the Google Home, Amazon Echo or the Apple HomePod. However, instead of being for private use, the development of this technology is intended for hospital rooms.
The goal is to automatically transcribe the exchanges between doctors and patients. Faced with the overabundance of paperwork and administration under which doctors are overwhelmed, Robin Healthcare wants to provide a sustainable solution by generating reports automatically. Directly from the oral conversations between doctors and patients.
It is thus the first connected loudspeaker dedicated to the medical field. Thanks to automatic speech processing – speech to text – the speaker connected as a virtual assistant, is able to transcribe conversations between health professionals and patients in complete autonomy.
The Robin loudspeaker is developed in partnership with two major companies dedicated to electronic medical recordings: Epic and Cerner. Their synergy facilitates automatic data entry. Doctors can thus focus on examining a patient and making a diagnosis.
Whereas doctors used to waste a lot of time reporting via their dictaphones etc., this is now a thing of the past. Now, recording and processing is done on its own.
Daring to transcribe in healthcare
At Authôt, automatic speech recognition and transcription are our specialty! We therefore strongly encourage you, for all these examples and applications in healthcare, to dare to use automatic transcription.
Transcription is a real profession and as indicates, in the medical field, in the face of health emergencies, it is all the more significant. Indeed, there are deadlines to be respected. In particular for the « operational protocols which must be transcribed within 48 hours ».
To find out more about Authôt Live and/or Authôt APP, please contact us to discuss your problems related to speech recognition, particularly in the medical and health fields.
Authôt. You speak. We write.