Mindfulmeets enhances digital well-being during videoconferences

Video conferencing is an essential means of communication today. For this reason, multiple software and tools are being developed, each with its own functionalities and interface. The Zoom video conferencing software is also being developed. It is widely used today, which is why we have explained how to transcribe or subtitle your live conferences using this tool. Google’s video conferencing tool, Google Meets, also stands out. Today, thanks to Mindfulmeets, the tool pushes the benefits of video conferencing even further. Indeed, Google Mindfulmeets is an extension that enhances digital well-being during videoconferences. We present this extension here. In addition, how Authôt Live helps you optimize all your videoconferences.
Development and well-being during videoconferences
With a massive acceleration in the use of different video conferencing tools and software, this is an important topic! Indeed, we now spend much more time every day to exchange in video. Whether it is for private exchanges, festive events, meetings, courses… The importance and the time spent on video software is considerable! Therefore, it is particularly interesting to think about how to reinforce the digital and mental well-being of users during these famous videoconferences.
This is a news that comes to us from siecledigital.fr, Google seems to be a pioneer on the issue. Indeed, the web giant has just launched Mindfulmeets, a web extension that improves digital well-being during videoconferences… Quite a program!
In fact, faced with the increase in remote working and video interactions, everyone is concerned today by videoconferencing. It has become completely integrated into everyday life. Nevertheless, not without damage…
Indeed, as siecledigital.fr puts it, « chaining meetings together on a daily basis, via one’s computer, is not always positive and digital well-being can be questioned. Stress and tiredness can affect productivity and make videoconferencing… a torture« .
And faced with the distress and tiredness of professionals, it was urgent to react!
Mindfulmeets: a free extension to improve your well-being during videoconferences.
As a result, Mindfulmeets was created to meet this need. It is a free extension to improve your well-being during videoconference appointments. Indeed, in Mindfulmeets, there are several features to reduce the stress due to this particular communication lever. The goal is to feel good, to make video conversations more enjoyable!
At the head of the project? Ben Flux and his team. They launched this free Chrome extension for Google Meet, this video conferencing tool also free and available online on the Google suite.
In order to meet the needs of employees and teleworkers, the Google teams took their concerns into account. The goal was to reintroduce pleasure in remote work, to remotivate employees to participate with enthusiasm and well-being in these videoconferences, these various exchanges in video.
This is very important because the digital well-being of professionals is nowadays inseparable from productivity in companies!
An attractive videoconferencing extension
According to getmindfulmeets.com, this is how Mindfulmeets for Google Meet looks like: by adding it to Chrome, you can « add calendars, guest information, emojis, GIFS, elegant entries and exits.
You will be able to better prioritize, focus and save time on what you want to do and with whom you want to meet! Share yourself directly who you are, where you live, what time zone you are in. Express yourself, bring emotion, pleasure, and much more!
Your videoconferences should thus become much more dynamic and your digital and mental well-being will be enhanced.
Note that this extension will also soon be available on Zoom, GoToMeeting and Microsoft Teams.
How Mindfulmeets works and what it can do
The operation is both simple and at the same time offers a lot of possibilities thanks to the different functionalities included in the Mindfulmeets extension. In particular through the following four new features and entities: Mindful Agenda, Mindful Media, Mindful Profile and Mindful Reminders.
Mindful Agenda is a calendar that integrates with your video conferences. The goal is to report on their relevance and set a timing. That the meeting goes smoothly and on time. This helps to avoid making video exchanges drag on forever and thus to reduce user fatigue. To maintain their productivity.
Mindful Media is a very nice new feature! It’s a feature that allows you to add GIFS and emojis to the conversation. It is possible to send them to everyone, or only to certain people.
Mindful Profile displays the key indications for each interlocutor. Including name, time zone, function, location, etc. It’s very handy! It lets you quickly know who is speaking without having to ask again.
Mindful Reminders is a feature that doesn’t remind you of a task you need to do, but tells you that another meeting, another video call needs to start. This collectively shared information allows everyone to anticipate and leave the meeting at the right time.
Mindfulmeets: a live video wellness extension
And to go even further in the well-being, Mindfulmeets, displays relevant notifications to take care of users. For example, the fact that you need to take regular breaks, get up, get out of the screens.
In the near future, activities should even be offered on the extension to promote the well-being and personal development of remote workers during their working day.
Concretely, it is an intelligent, almost human extension, which cares about well-being in video and live! It’s a free and practical tool that brings a little humanity back into video calls. Indeed, even at a distance, we are all human and this digital interactivity may have become commonplace, but we must not forget that it is not natural at the base. This does not mean that we should neglect our professional and personal well-being. Even through screens.
Recently introduced Mindfulmeets is already popular. The feedback is very positive! Among them, the intuitiveness, ingenuity, experience and fun side of the tool are highlighted.
Authôt Live: a tool that also enhances the videoconferencing experience.
Finally, Authôt Live is also a tool that clearly enhances the videoconferencing experience. Indeed, by allowing users to subtitle, translate, transcribe their content, we take the stress out of it and save you time by doing the work for you!
Don’t hesitate to test our Authôt Live tool, which is constantly being improved!
In short, we brought a reflection around videoconferencing tools. Extensions, features such as Mindfulmeets that promote the digital well-being of users during videoconferences, should continue to emerge. To take advantage of our unique Authôt Live platform, do not hesitate to contact us!
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