The evolution of internal communication




For a long time considered as boring and vertical, internal communication is today reinventing itself. With the pinnacle of new technologies, digital transformation and disruption in terms of management and human resources in business in 2019, internal communication is now a major part of the development of a company and its employees.

So, what are the issues of internal communication in companies today?

Internal corporate communication at its origin

Before entering the heart of the issues of internal communication, the concept should be understood. What is internal communication?

According to, internal communication includes “all the communication actions carried out within a company or organization for its employees. The goal is in general to promote the information, integration and the involvement of the company employees”.

Among classic levers of internal communication, we find:

Company letters

The Intranet

Employee’s welcome booklets

The display

Internal events

Originally, in the corporate world, before the advent of the new technologies, internal communication vas very poor. It was mainly represented by telephone exchanges, emails, meetings, team points…

Accessibility to technology was much more limited and paper printing was relatively expensive.

From the 2000s, technological growth has become exponential.

A progressive digital evolution for the internal communication of companies

It is really around the 90s that we are witnessing a real evolution of corporate internal communication. We begin to organize seminars, to do internal reviews, to create newsletters….

Thus, according to, “internal communication is increasingly inspired by marketing and advertising communication techniques used in the field of digital marketing”.

After internal newsletters, we see the development of the use of corporate social networks.

Indeed, companies having understood the importance of committing and motivating their employees, start creating real communities, teams.

Internal communication therefore extends to team events, corporate challenges, internal or external events.

For example, through team buildings, escape games…The goal is to gather people around new games, new technologies, to strengthen team cohesion and communicate better later. Digital strongly contributes to commitment and a corporate spirit.

In addition, with the arrival of the video, internal communication is no longer just “direct”, it extends over the time…

According to, marketers “therefore increasingly use video to deliver their message and their offer […] the expansion of social networks and new technologies development makes it possible to have videos accessible to all”.

And all these events, these attractive videos, with the resulting globalization, now need to be translated. This includes subtitling and transcription techniques such as the Authôt’s solution.

An evolution of internal communication in video

This leads us to the video format that transforms internal communication into a business. The creation of corporate videos translated or not, with or without subtitling is a real trend in 2019.

Why is the video making a big comeback?

Its advantages are multiple. It is less expensive, and more dynamic, adaptable and customizable for any industry. It addresses globalization, has better SEO and is more accessible in order to reach a wider audience.

Thus, companies understand the value of creating video content, even internally. Especially when we know that today video gives better results than written communication…

According to technology “reinvents video marketing. Cisco considers that video will account for 82% of global internet traffic by 2020. A picture is better than a long speech. The lazy internet user does not like reading long, complicated text… moving, it consumes shorter messages, accompanied by powerful images”.

In addition, video is the most consumed format in France. It is therefore logics that companies surf on this format for their internal and external communication.

According to, when you use a video on “social networks, the engagement rate of your audience is usually ten times higher”.

In addition, 59% of executives “prefer to watch a video than to read a text”.

Finally, for SEO, the probability of being “first page on Google is 53 times higher if you used a video”.

Authôt helps you to create your subtitles for your videos and thus strengthen your internal professional communication, whatever your activity sector is.

Previously considered boring or not very dynamic and codified, the companies internal communication has evolved exponentially and unexpectedly since the emergence of new technologies, social networks and much more affordable video production costs…Today it is multi-support, geared towards the well-being of employees and their commitment.

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