Transcription: typing 2.0

Transcription: typing 2. 0
The speech is temporary. Once the last word of a sentence is pronounced there are already no traces remaining only those we remember. However, our memory is capricious and can deceive us at the worst time.
How to report as accurately as possible the speech of a speaker?
The best way is still to write the words expressed on paper. If this work can be tedious because of the higher speech rate than the writing rate, methods have been developed over centuries to make the task easier. These methods are named: stenography.
The stenography is considered as “the art of using conventional signs to write as fast as we speak”. Abbreviations or symbols could mean one or several words. Play on sounds to represent faster what is said.
Today, this art has evolved. With the development of typewriters and computer keyboards, write a letter is faster than before. It is now possible to type almost as fast as we speak. This art is called dactylography, or simply: typing.
We learn how to use our five fingers in the most efficient way in order to waste less time and type as fast as the speaker speaks. Competitions are even organized to choose the world’s greatest typist, the one who is typing the fastest.
For speeches, conferences or meetings transcriptions, we use typists instead of stenographers.
We sacrifice stenography in favor of typing
Nevertheless, typing is demanding and stressful for those who do it and expensive for those who need it. Instead of typing, we prefer more and more audiovisual recording technologies. Then one person is in charge of transcribing statements of each other and listening again entirely all speakers’ speeches. It is a long and tedious task to do.
Automatic transcription is the solution of tomorrow
Lots of companies are already positioned on this market but none has the Authôt technology supported by the know-how of the best current laboratory in terms of voice recognition.
Authôt claims to be the typist 2.0 by offering customized service to satisfy customers’ various needs. From the automatic transcription to transcription with proofreading and translation, Authôt is your transcription solution, the typing software you need.
Authôt. You speak, we write.