Authôt is invited to the JIPN 2019

Authôt is invited to the JIPN 2019
In this month of July, we are delighted to announce that Authôt will be present at the “Journées Innovations Pédagogiques Normandes”. This event, which will take place at the University of Rouen, is dedicated to education, digital accessibility and educational innovations. Here are some details on this Norman rendezvous, its innovations and its commitments.
The JIPN19: an event in favour of educational innovations
Firstly, the “Journées Innovations Pédagogiques Normandes” or « JIPN » will be held at the University of Rouen Normandie (Faculty of Law, Economics and Management). The JIPN’s have been organized for five years by the Normandy region and the higher education institutions of the region. These two days are dedicated to educational innovations, educational transformations and educational environments, new ways of training, and learning. Each year about 30 speakers speak for 300 participants.
This year, it happens on July 9 and 10, 2019. Conferences, workshops, demonstrations are planned. Professionals, researchers, trainers, educational engineers and students will exchange around authentic situations and new educational innovations.
The main topic of the JIPN19 is: Evaluations in (R)evolution. The purpose of these two days will be to question all evaluation practices. Among the planned conferences, here are some promising topics: « Which assessments for which developments in our higher education? « , » Perceptions of students mistakes by their teaching « , » Classes without notes: concerns, ambiguities and formative perspectives « . Find all the information about the event right here.
JIPN19 commit to accessibility and educational innovations
Authôt has been invited by the JIPN as we contribute, in an innovative way and by our different services, to the digital and educational accessibility. Indeed, we meet several needs for the education world:
● Live (or not) transcription
● Subtitles
● Translation
Our Authôt solution is complete. For example, you can caption your online courses to make your digital content even more accessible in the classroom, as well as remotely. You can also translate your courses in order to broadcast your training and pedagogy worldwide. The Authôt application allows the automatic transcription of your files and their replay. You will have at your disposal many export formats (docx, srt, html, webVTT, sjon …). We also offer a translation service in several languages, by dedicated professionals.
We will be able to present to the JIPN, our solutions for subtitling, transcribing, translation and live captioning. Our goal is that all students have access to the same educational content regardless of their profile or location.
Authôt and the University of Rouen work for accessibility and educational innovations
Regarding the main topic of the JIPN19, evaluation, it is an interesting question that requires the creation and integration of educational innovations. In face of the value, the judgment, the appreciation or not that the notion of evaluation implies, not everyone has the same opportunities. Yet, a student with a disability, must have access to the courses, but also be evaluated on the same level.
By focusing on the accessibility of courses (face-to-face and distance learning), we can position ourselves in the upstream phase of the topic. Indeed, before being evaluated, a student with a disability needs to understand the courses! It is thus to make them accessible with different formats and also remotely. In fact, in French universities, classes are increasingly accessible remotely.
This allows students to obtain specific certifications and skills, whether they are disabled, foreign or have a particular constraint. The goal now is to accelerate the accessibility of classroom courses.
This is the case of the University of Rouen which is part of the welcoming universities.
In addition, the university has a specific web host and broadcaster being also one of our partners: Ubicast. Ubicast includes a specific video platform, MediaServer, to record, edit and broadcast video knowledge.
Thus, during the JIPN19, we will have the opportunity to show the integration of our system directly into the interface Ubicast. This integration makes it possible to optimize the use of educational innovation tools.
We all work together to make all course contents as accessible as possible.
Lastly, thanks to events such as the JIPNs, the actors of the sector can get together and get closer to the problems and needs faced by teachers and students daily and continue to progress in favour of a pedagogy simplified and accessible to all.
In short, we look forward to participating in this event which will be rich in discoveries and exchanges around educational innovations and digital accessibility, a subject of a great importance to us. If you are present at the “Journées Innovations Pédagogiques Normandes” we will be happy to meet you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to adopt innovative solutions, adapted for your students.
Authôt. You speak. We write.