E-learning, MOOCs, tutorials: the digital accessibility and learning

Moocs and e-learning[/caption]

The connected back-to-school period, the e-learning and accessibility!

  • The rising power of MOOC

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) take a growing part in the digital learning. Online course for everyone has become a major player of the education system. With more than three billions web surfers in 2015, schools and universities are interested in The Internet as a mass media, but not only that. Numbers of tutorials for tinker, paint, make-up or even be a mechanical, increase.

Websites have specialized in learners and trainers meeting. Trainers reinforce their credibility and expertise in their field sometimes by monetizing their courses whereas learners have access to a low priced or even free lesson. Plenty of platform expand as FUN, OPEN CLASSROOM or even VODECLIC.

The inescapable learning method is, of course, to attend classes, however new ways as digital learning, serious game, distance courses, are progressing. Then the required material is only a computer, internet connection and motivation! Without a strict context, that is the student who has to invest himself to his digital course. Indeed, a motivated person can learn a lot in different and various field: from marketing to wine tasting, through mechanical. The digital learner can become versatile, learning new things and reinforcing his knowledge in fields he already explored.

  • Digital accessibility: the major challenge for MOOCs

Videos of courses are, generally, easy to make. What is complicated is the transcription to add subtitles on these videos. If MOOCs promote accessibility, videos have to be read by deaf or hard of hearing persons to meet digital accessibility standards.

The main goal for digital accessibility is to respect the equal rights and opportunities favoring communication between hearing and hard of hearing persons.

Innovative initiatives linked to the use of Internet and ICT (Information and communication technologies) are taking an increasing and essential part in communication making speech accessible for and to all. Speech to text transcription is now essential!

  • You want to make your MOOCs accessible for the back-to-school period

Authôt technology allows subtitles and translations of your MOOCs in just a few clicks. With an online and multi-speakers voice recognition software, Authôt takes care of your audio or video file to give you the script and subtitles. Transcribe, translate and subtitle your videos via the Authôt automatic transcription platform. In this way, your MOOCs meet digital accessibility standards.


Authôt: You speak, we write.